Saturday, July 25, 2009

Reasons I dislike Colonie Center.

Reasons why I dislike Colonie Center Mall:

1) It requires me to either take two buses or walk fifteen minutes to catch a bus.

2) To go home at night requires a wait of an hour.

3) The stupid mall locks the entrances until 9am except the one at the very rear of the mall.

4) Barnes & Noble opens at nine, which means I can't sneak through there to get to work.

5) They started locking the utility corridors in the morning so I can't sneak in through the front.

6) Sears opens at 8am on Saturday, but they keep the gate to the Mall itself closed. JERKS.

7) The escalator and stairs to the first floor are ridiculously far away from the food court. This makes my half hour lunch break a pain in the ass.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

This is a NCIS post.

Ok, so I am watching the episodes on USA and they're random eps, not straight through like I had planned to do. So I watched the episode where Paula Cassidy gets blown up by a suicide bomber and that was highly sad. This leads me to three questions, because all of y'all love NCIS like I do and know the answers. (I'm looking at you.

1) When did Cassidy get transferred out of Gitmo? Did she and Tony ever hook up?

2) Does Ziva get mad a lot when people mispronounce her last name?

3) Tony's girlfriend -- did she come up before? Or was she someone Ton talked about but never showed because he flirted a lot with Ziva and Cassidy?

4) I'm guessing something bad happens to both Lauren Holly's director character and the chick Gibbs was going to the batting cages with. But this one I don't know and I don't want to know.

Also also I really need a NCIS icon but the communities are filled with shippers and I just DNW.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

North Country represent!

So Senator Gillibrand made a survey of the fattest counties in New York. Guess who was number one?

Lewis, Jefferson, and St. Lawrence counties, that's who! North Country WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--oh wait.

It's not really that surprising though. Poorer people tend to eat worse. And those counties are pretty damned poor. Will banning trans-fats from schools really solve this problem? i distinctly recall that school lunches sucked balls in my high school.

In other news, I read another book, and it was really really good.

How Starbucks Saved My Life: A Son of Privilege Learns to Live Like Everyone Else. This is the story of a rich old white dude who loses his cushy job, his family, and his health insurance and ends up learning life lessons by working as a part-time barista in a Starbucks in New York City. It's so fascinating, and it reminds me a lot of why I enjoy my job most days.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Last night I worked from 6pm to 3am doing the new floorset. Well, really I processed freight and everyone else set up the store. When I emerged from the back room, there was a wall for LEGGINGS. Entirely devoted to leggings. AND GUESS, oh GUESS, dear readers what one type of leggings were labelled along the wall. Go on, guess.

I'll wait.

Yeah. Luckily they haven't come in yet. Otherwise I might have to light them on fire. Unlike my home store, which nearly caught on fire. My roommates both worked tonight and told me how they had to evacuate the mall after a power outage to their side of the mall.

So! Latest on Honduras. (Yes, I'm still posting about that. You all can play tl;dr).

Because Chávez and Zelaya are BFF, Chávez cut off oil supplies from Venezuela to Honduras in a classic move.

Zelaya, in turn decided his move would be to give an ultimatum. A vague ultimatum.

And finally, teachers returned to work after ending their strike. Teachers struck originally to support Zelaya.

Apparently Zelaya has a fetish for these hats:

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Honduras update!

This time with more satire!

Top Ten Reasons the US Isn't Getting Its Panties in a Twist Over Honduras

4,6,7, and 8 are the best.

Basically, this story has dropped off radar, so I'm doing my best to keep everyone updated.
The General who arrested Zelaya said that he had a hard time doing it, but it was necessary to save democracy.

Like Maricela and I said at the beginning, it seems like this whole thing needed to be done but it would have been so much easier if they hadn't shipped Zelaya off to Costa Rica.

Zelaya's supporters are going on strike. He seems to have union support, especially with educators. Now I love me some unions (as does the Pope) [really, I just wanted an excuse to post the Pope link])

Ok, come on Zelaya, could you look any more like a villain if you tried?

(thanks to Laura for the papal link!)

Thursday, July 02, 2009

I haven't forgotten about Honduras

RL got in the way of my Honduras updates -- yesterday I had to work and then I kinda just mindlessly surfed the internet to get over how sad I am bout leaving that store. Today was in town, and it's the last time I will see her for a while since she's moving to Japan later this month.

My money sitch is gonna run me tight. Love it.

Maricela wrote this on Facebook a couple of days ago:

La verdad de Honduras
Tues at 11:45
Es una pena que los gobiernos y las organizaciones internacionales traten a este evento como una barbarie y una acto troglodita. Mas del 90% de la población se opone a la restitución del Sr. Zelaya quien ha pretendido en múltiples ocasiones pasar por encima de la ley y se ha mostrado incapaz de gobernar este país con justicia. Este Sr. ha ofendido los valores y derechos del pueblo Hondureño y la democracia, al haber llegado al poder por medio de mentiras y promesas falsas, y luego introducir ideas izquierdistas a semejanza de Hugo Chávez, quien es un gorila necio que pretende llevar a América Latina por el mismo camino de la antigua Europa socialista. Los militares arrestaron a Manuel Zelaya siguiendo las órdenes de la Corte Suprema de Justicia debido a sus actos criminales, y el mismo dia el poder fué devuelto a los civiles. Esto no ha sido un golpe de estado ni un regreso a los años oscuros como ha sido clasificado por el resto del mundo, sino un acto de valor, por el cual el pueblo Hondureño ha optado por despedir a un empleado incompetente y ponerle fin al circo del Sr. Zelaya. Los noticieros internacionales han tergiversado la información convirtiendo a este señor en una victima. Por esto, yo y todos aquellos que queremos la paz y la democracia en nuestro país queremos que nuestra voz sea escuchada y pido que nos ayuden a transmitir nuestro mensaje.

El mundo solamente ha podido ver un lado de la moneda en el que el Sr. Zelaya ha quedado como la víctima. Hoy dia se le brindo la oportunidad a este señor de hablar frente a Asamblea General de la ONU donde proporcionó un discurso lleno de mentiras. Por dar algunos ejemplos, dijo que la fuerzas militares han mantenido a Honduras en un estado de parálisis por 3 dias, disparando a la gente y lastimando a unas 160 personas, cuando esto es mentira. En el país hay calma, unidad, y fe en el nuevo gobierno. Entre otras mentiras dijo que él vive en una casa de clase media, que está en contra de las dictaduras, y que ha reducido la pobreza en 2 años. Todas estas son mentiras. Me parece que lo justo y correcto en esta situación es que el pueblo de Honduras también tenga la oportunidad de expresarse ante la comunidad internacional y explicar porque apoyamos la destitución de esta persona. No es posible que la ONU y la OEA evalúe la situación sin mandar delegados al país y analizar la situación desde adentro, examinando todas las acusaciones que se han hecho en contra del Sr. Zelaya. La Fiscalia ya ha emitido una orden de arresto a través de la interpol en cuenta de 18 delitos incluyendo narcotráfico, traición a la patria, desvío de recursos y crimen organizado.

New developments include: attempts to bring Zelaya back to the country, pressure from the OAS on Honduras to restore Zelaya, threatening expulsion. The new President, Micheletti, is willing to negotiate on this, but Zeleya is going to face impeachment proceedings should he return.

It seems like Micheletti is holding out an olive branch to Zeleya. If Zeleya returns, don't expect to see him be President much longer.