Molson practically owned everything in Lower Canada in the 1830s. He was one of the driving forces behind Canada joining the US in the 30s, because he thought it would be better for business for him. Today we mostly know him for his beer, now owned by Coors.
Jean de Maisonneuve is one of the founders of the city, a "martyr" if I recall correctly. Defended the city from Iroquois attacks in the early days of the city. Several streets and towns are named for him.
Lord Byron Nelson has a whole square devoted to him, I'm not entirely sure why.
'e even has 'is own garden. "Jardin Nelson" in English, for the record is "Nelson's Garden."
I love random images.
Queen Victoria's Statue.
A bit of graffiti I found interesting -- "Voitures = Suicide" is French for "Cars = Suicide." The sign is written on a parking lot.
A street performer with his marionnette and house on Rue St. Denis.
I'll admit it, I snickered at the name of this pub. 1642 is actually right around the time the city was founded, so this pub is ancien....
These are for Aunt Karen mostly here:
These are in the foyer to the Pepsi Centre, the old home of the Montréal Canadiens. They now play in the Bell Centre.
In the lobby...