So! I started watching the Olympics, which you can blame Nikki for.
Things that are awesome:
-Men's Figure Skating. Johnny Weir got robbed! ;) Evan Lysacek is a STUD. And I love that we've casted the Russians as villains again, which bodes well for my petition to host the Olympics in Lake Placid again.
-NORTH COUNTRY REPRESENT! We got a bronze medal out of Andrew Weibrecht, who is from Lake Placid. His mom and dad own the Mirror Lake Inn, which I remember seeing. Also, NORTH COUNTRY FUCK YEAH.
PS The chick from one of the ice dancing teams is from Kingston ON, which makes her almost kinda North Country since she claims citizenship here.
-I am seriously in love with Aksel Lund Svindal, the Norwegian skier who was incredibly adorable in his interview package and as he did his run down the slalom hill, and and he's just super adorable shut up ok.
What's up with all these fluid nationalities though? There was one chick in the ice dancing who is from the US but now is competing for Team Georgia despite never visiting the country. And two Americans who are competing for Japan in ice dancing as well. Very strange.
Anyway, I'm off to watch some more skeleton (LOVE IT).
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