Tuesday, June 23, 2009


State Senate continues to be a bunch of big babies.

You know, I'm one of the biggest NYS apologists you'll find, but goddamn, they're trying my patience. We need to just up and start over. Empty the Senate, run new elections, and not allow any of these jackoffs to run again. I'm sorry, but this whole thing is ridiculous. And of course it is the city senators fucking everything up. Every day I hear someone else say how much they want to leave New York, or how much they hate it here. And sometimes I feel the same way. I love New York. I love how diverse a state it is, and I think there is a lot of potential in New York. Especially after the elections last year shook everything up in the Assembly and the Senate. But to cause such gridlock and make the state the laughingstock of the states, well good lord. Even I can't find a way to support that.

In other news, my life is a giant mess right now, and I just want to curl into my bed and never get out of it again. I have 9 days left before I transfer to the other store. ALso, Canada, which always makes me feel better. I also would like a mulligan on today.

Again, NCIS is super addictive. I pop in a disk to watch ONE episode and I end up watching the entire disk. This is a bad idea if you start it at 2am.

Tonight I'm going to watch just one episode but that's because the season finale of Life after People is on at 2am. It aired at 10, but I had to work and didn't get home til 10:30. I missed having cable.

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